What Is Search Engine Marketing?

To thrive in today’s competitive marketplace, companies can use many marketing strategies to reach their target audiences., Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the most effective. Learn more about SEM here.

What Is Search Engine Marketing


What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) encompasses two fundamental elements: on-page optimization and paid advertising. On-page optimization focuses on enhancing the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs), while paid advertising involves strategic campaigns to drive targeted traffic.

On-page optimization entails implementing various techniques and strategies to optimize your website’s content, structure, and performance. This process aims to align your web pages with search engine algorithms, ultimately increasing their chances of appearing prominently in SERPs. By leveraging on-page optimization, you can enhance your website’s relevance, authority, and overall visibility, improving organic search rankings.  

Paid advertising involves allocating resources to promote your website through paid channels. This approach allows you to leverage search engine AdWords to display targeted ads to potential customers. Paid advertising will enable you to reach specific demographics, geographical regions, and user interests. You can drive relevant traffic to your website through well-crafted campaigns.

By combining these two approaches effectively, you can maximize your website’s exposure in search engine results, drive quality traffic, and achieve your marketing objectives.

There are many different types of SEM campaigns that you can run. Below are some of the most common.

Google Ads

Google Ads is one of the most popular forms of SEM. Advertisers can use Google Ads to create text, image, and video ads on Google’s search engine and other websites. Advertisers bid on keywords that they want their ad to show up for.

Microsoft Ads

Like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads is an advertising platform allowing advertisers to create text, image and video ads on Bing’s search engine and other websites. Bing will display the advertiser’s ad in the search results. The advertiser will then pay Bing whenever someone clicks on their ad.


While both SEM and SEO can improve your visibility in search results, they are two different channels with different goals. SEM is a paid marketing channel, meaning you must invest money to see results.

Conversely, SEO is a free marketing channel that allows you to improve your website’s ranking in search results organically.

“SEM and SEO are like firefighters and police. They are both on the scene, yet their roles distinctly differ,” said Jo Duran, Digital Marketing Specialist.

Who uses SEM?

SEM is a powerful marketing tool employed by various businesses to expand their reach and connect with their target audience. Here are a few examples of how different types of companies utilize SEM.

  • Retailers. A clothing retailer could use SEM to target users searching for women’s or men’s clothing.
  • Service providers. Service providers can use SEM to target users searching for particular services.
  • Online businesses. Online businesses employ SEM to look for online shoppers.
  • Local businesses. A restaurant could use SEM to target users searching for restaurants in Chicago.
  • National brands. National brands embrace SEM to reach a broad audience of potential customers in their jurisdiction.

What are the pros and cons of SEM?


4 key steps to implementing SEM 

The key to successful SEM is understanding how the search engines work and the factors influencing ranking. By strategically targeting keywords relevant to your product or service, you can significantly enhance your likelihood of attaining top positions in search results – what most people refer to as ‘above the fold’.

Here are four essential steps to optimize your SEM efforts:

1. Start with keyword research

The first step in SEM marketing is keyword research. You must identify the keywords potential customers use to search for your product or service.

2. Build your campaigns and ads

Once you have a list of keywords, you can create ad campaigns targeting those keywords. When someone searches for one of your keywords, your ad will appear in the search results.

3. Bid in the ad auction

Advertisers choose keywords they want to bid on and then set a budget for their campaign. The amount they are willing to spend per day is their daily budget. Try starting at $10 for your daily budget, monitor and adjust as needed.

4. Optimize based on the data

The last step to identifying a successful SEM marketing campaign is understanding what your customers are searching for and how they behave online.

How much does SEM cost?

The cost of SEM depends on various factors, including your campaign’s size and scope, goals, and budget. Small budgets can be as little as a few hundred dollars per month, while large budgets can be in the tens or even hundreds of thousands per month.

SEM tools

SEM tools are critical to any effective digital marketing strategy. Talon Media uses powerful tools that can help you boost your online visibility and reach your target customers.

Why choose Talon Media?  

We have a team with the experience and expertise to guide you through the ever-changing world of Search Engine Marketing. Our team can help create an effective SEM strategy to drive traffic to your website and help you achieve your business goals.

Partner with Talon Media and explore the possibilities of SEM for your business. Contact us, and we’ll schedule a time to discuss your needs and goals.


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